星期一, 11月 04, 2019

Eric Clapton與巴伐洛堤

Holy Mother

Holy Mother, where are you?
Tonight I feel broken in two.
I've seen the stars fall from the sky.
Holy mother, can't keep from crying.

Oh I need your help this time,
Get me through this lonely night.
Tell me please which way to turn
To find myself again.

Holy mother, hear my prayer,
Somehow I know you're still there.
Send me please some peace of mind;
Take away this pain.

I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait any longer.
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait for you.

Holy mother, hear my cry,
I've cursed your name a thousand times.
I've felt the anger running through my soul;
All I need is a hand to hold.

Oh I feel the end has come,
No longer my legs will run.
You know I would rather be
In your arms tonight.

When my hands no longer play,
My voice is still, I fade away.
Holy mother, then I'll be
Lying in, safe within your arms.

  很少機會聽男高音巴伐洛堤表演,在youtube找來一首與Eric Clapton合唱的Holy Mother。
  根據Songfact介紹Eric Clapton與Stephen Bishop合寫於八十年代,那時Eric Clapton陷於低潮,受毒品與酒棈麻醉,在沮喪之時找到了希望而寫下這歌。
  現代與古典結合,仍帶流行曲的味道,中間一段結他獨奏,盡顯Eric Clapton功力。巴伐洛堤逝世於2007年,這段錄影相信已是十多年前的事了,其中巴伐洛堤曾為伊朗伊拉克等難民籌款演唱會中也唱過,這應是其中一場。
