作詞/作曲:Jim Croce 接線員,哦,你能幫我撥打這個電話嗎? Operator, oh, could you help me place this call? 看到火柴盒上的數字已經舊了並且褪色了 See the number on the matchbook is old and faded 她住在洛杉磯 She's living in L.A. 和我最好的老前朋友雷 With my best old ex-friend, Ray 蓋伊,她說她很了解,有時甚至討厭 Guy, she said she knew well, and sometimes hated 但他們不是這麼說的嗎? But isn't that the way they say it goes? 好吧,讓我們忘記這一切吧 Well, let's forget all that 如果你能找到的話請給我號碼 And give me the number if you can find it 所以我可以打電話告訴他們我很好 So, I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine 並表明我已經克服了打擊 And to show I've overcome the blow 我已經學會好好對待 I've learned to take it well 我只希望我的話能夠說服自己 I only wish my words could just convince myself 這不是真的 That it just wasn't real 但感覺並非如此 But that's not the way it feels
接線員,哦,你能幫我撥打這個電話嗎? Operator, oh, could you help me place this call? 因為我看不懂你剛剛給我的號碼 'Cause I can't read the number that you just gave me 我的眼睛裡有東西 There's something in my eyes 你知道這種事每次都會發生 You know it happens every time 我想到了一種我以為可以拯救我的愛 I think about a love that I thought would save me 但他們不是這麼說的嗎? But isn't that the way they say it goes? 好吧,讓我們忘記這一切吧 Well, let's forget all that 如果你能找到的話請給我號碼 And give me the number if you can find it 這樣我就可以打電話告訴他們我很好 So I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine 並表明我已經克服了打擊 And to show I've overcome the blow 我已經學會好好對待 I've learned to take it well 我只希望我的話能夠說服自己 I only wish my words could just convince myself 這不是真的 That it just wasn't real 但感覺不是這樣,不,不,不,不 But that's not the way it feels, no, no, no, no 感覺不是那樣的 That's not the way it feels
接線員,哦,我們忘記這個電話吧 Operator, oh, let's forget about this call 那裡沒有人是我真正想與之交談的人 There's no one there I really wanted to talk to 謝謝您的寶貴時間 Thank you for your time 啊,你真是太友善了 Ah, you've been so much more than kind 你可以保留一毛錢 You can keep the dime 但他們不是這麼說的嗎? But isn't that the way they say it goes? 好吧,讓我們忘記這一切吧 Well, let's forget all that 如果你能找到的話請給我號碼 And give me the number if you can find it 這樣我就可以打電話告訴他們我很好 So I can call just to tell 'em I'm fine 並表明我已經克服了打擊 And to show I've overcome the blow 我已經學會好好對待 I've learned to take it well 我只希望我的話能夠說服自己 I only wish my words could just convince myself 這不是真的 That it just wasn't real 但感覺並非如此 But that's not the way it feels
就像蜿蜒道路兩旁的松樹 Like the pine trees lining the winding road 我有一個名字 我有一個名字 I got a name, I got a name 就像歌唱的鳥兒和呱呱的蟾蜍 Like the singing bird and the croaking toad 我有一個名字 我有一個名字 I got a name, I got a name 我像我爸爸一樣隨身攜帶它 And I carry it with me like my daddy did 但我正在實現他隱藏的夢想 But I'm living the dream that he kept hid 讓我沿著高速公路行駛,讓我沿著高速公路行駛 Moving me down the highway, rolling me down the highway 繼續前進,這樣生活就不會與我擦肩而過 Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
就像北風呼嘯著劃過天空 Like the north wind whistling down the sky 我有一首歌 我有一首歌 I've got a song, I've got a song 就像威普爾威利和嬰兒的哭聲 Like the whippoorwill and the baby's cry 我有一首歌 我有一首歌 I've got a song, I've got a song 我隨身攜帶它並大聲唱歌 And I carry it with me and I sing it loud 如果它讓我無處可去,我會自豪地去那裡 If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud 讓我沿著高速公路行駛,讓我沿著高速公路行駛 Moving me down the highway, rolling me down the highway 繼續前進,這樣生活就不會與我擦肩而過 Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
我會免費去那裡 And I'm gonna go there free
就像我是個傻瓜一樣,而且我永遠是個傻瓜 Like the fool I am and I'll always be 我有一個夢想 我有一個夢想 I've got a dream, I've got a dream 他們可以改變他們的想法,但他們無法改變我 They can change their minds, but they can't change me 我有一個夢想 我有一個夢想 I've got a dream, I've got a dream 你知道如果你願意的話我可以分享 And you know I could share it if you'd want me to 如果你要走我的路,我會和你一起走 If you're goin' my way, I'll go with you 讓我沿著高速公路行駛,讓我沿著高速公路行駛 Movin' me down the highway, rollin' me down the highway 繼續前進,這樣生活就不會與我擦肩而過 Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
讓我沿著高速公路行駛,讓我沿著高速公路行駛 Moving me down the highway, rolling me down the highway 繼續前進,這樣生活就不會與我擦肩而過 Moving ahead so life won't pass me by