星期五, 3月 03, 2006


自己繼續旁若無人聽著歌,扮忙做著事。突然有人走過來說:「你在聽Eagles的《Tequila sunrise》?」這個真是給嚇一跳,你也喜歡聽Eagles?一向甚少傾談,這樣就有了話題。他說聽Eagles是由唱片「Hell Freezes Over」開始,並特別喜歡《Hotel California》,最近還買了一張CD,只得四首歌,要一百多元,覺得甚貴。

《Hotel California》歌曲及大碟所表達的是加州情懷,性、毒品、享樂,自知而不能自拔,難怪一出已成經典。

喜歡Eagles已是很久以前的事,由唱片「Desperado」開始,內裏正是有這首《Tequila sunrise》,屬於比較冷門,買他們的唱片則是由一張精選大碟開始。聽「Desperado」時不大瞭解整張唱片,及至最近才知道全張唱片是一張概念 唱片,內裏是說及十九世紀美國中西部關於亡命之徒為概念的作品。喜歡《Tequila sunrise》,是因為龍舌蘭這名稱。「Hell Freezes Over」內的版本,是「不插電」現場版,四支結他,其中一支好像名叫斑鳩琴,另一支應該是電結他,只不過全曲以木結他為主。和諧的結他,合拍的和音,帶 一點點無奈,不求甚解,純自己喜歡的感覺。

Hell Freezes Over (1994)
Tequila sunrise

It's another tequila sunrise
Staring slowly across the sky, said goodbye
He was just a hired hand
Working on the dreams he planned to try
The days go by

Every night when the sun goes down
Just another lonely boy in town
And she's out running around

She wasn't just another woman
And I couldn't keep from coming on
It's been so long
Oh, and it's a hollow feeling when
It comes down to dealing friends
It never ends

Take another shot of courage
Wonder why the right words never come
You just get numb
It's another tequila sunrise,
this old world still looks the same,
Another frame, mm...
